Guaranteed best rate when booking direct!
Killarney Towers Hotel & Leisure Centre offers 4-star comfort surrounded by an exhilarating backdrop of outdoor adventure to uncover and explore, all while being located in the heart of Killarney Town Centre, an idyllic, bustling town in Ireland's most beautiful county of Kerry. Keep discovering with us this summer at the Killarney Towers where countless thrill-seeking experiences await you in our rugged landscape while Killarney's buzzing town centre offers a vibrant social scene. Brave the Irish wild side this summer at the Killarney Towers Hotel & Leisure Centre
Tax-free shopping
Did you know that you can enjoy tax-free shopping throughout your stay in Ireland? Tax will be paid upon purchase of the goods and will be refunded upon returning home. For more infomation on tax-free shopping in Ireland, please see here
US Pre-clearance
When flying home from Dublin or Shannon Airport, both between just two to four hours drive from Kerry, all US bound passengers can be cleared through US immigration and customs. This will ensure long immigration queues can be avoided once you land on US soil. Learn more here